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MPHMPH - Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Tuition fee €5,500 one-time

An installment plan is also available as follows:
An initial deposit of €900.00 after receiving an offer of admission; followed by 11 ‘monthly-installments’ of €445.00.

*Additional Fees for Dual Degree Version (optional): €1400.00

More information



Program Duration: 18 months (approximate)
Total ECTS Credits: 138

Mode of Learning: Online (e-Learning)

Programme structure

Core Courses:
Introduction To Public Health and Healthcare
Community Medicine
Health Planning and Hospital Management
Health Economics
Data and Communication
Environmental Health
Mental Health
Introduction to Surveillance
Preventive Medicine and Population Health
Resources and Administration
Infectious Diseases
Global Health Policy and Development
Planetary Health
Fundamentals of Sexual and Reproductive Health
Health and Human Rights
Research Methods
Occupational Health
Evaluating International Public Health Issues
Public Health Disasters: A Global Ethical Framework
Public Health Risk Assessment for Human Exposure to Chemicals
Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Urban Living and Public Health
Pharmaceuticals in Global Public Health
Geospatial Analysis of Public Health
Global Health Security
Global Health Collaboration

Specialization Courses:
Principles and Methods of Epidemiology
Statistical Thinking and Data Analysis
Infectious Disease Modelling
Emerging and Neglected Tropical Diseases
Chronic Disease Epidemiology
Nutritional Epidemiology
Mental Health‐ Epidemiology and Intervention

Electives (Any two)

Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology
Social Epidemiology
Cancer Epidemiology
Reproductive Epidemiology
Environmental Epidemiology


Career opportunities

The ‘MPH in Epidemiology and Biostatistics’ upholds the mission of the James Lind Institute for bridging the skills-need gap in public health and clinical research. This specialization offers public health professionals a rewarding career in this fast-expanding discipline of collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting healthcare data for policy development and implementation. The COVID-19 pandemic has further highlighted the need for public health professionals and epidemiologists.

The program provides a focussed understanding of epidemiology and biostatistics and enhances your skills to integrate biostatistics and epidemiological concepts in study designs, implementation, analysis, data interpretation, policy development, and management aspects of public health practice.

Apart from public health practice, students who complete this program will also be able to explore careers in the fields of academics & training, community education, consulting, patient advocacy, policy development, hospital infection control, and NGO operations to name a few.

Apply now! 01 August 2024/25
Application deadline
31 Jul 2024, 23:59:59
Studies commence
1 Aug 2024
Apply now! 01 September 2024/25
Application deadline
25 Aug 2024, 23:59:59
Studies commence
1 Sept 2024
Apply now! 01 October 2024/25
Application deadline
25 Sept 2024, 23:59:59
Studies commence
1 Oct 2024
Apply now! 01 August 2024/25
Application deadline
31 Jul 2024, 23:59:59
Studies commence
1 Aug 2024
Apply now! 01 September 2024/25
Application deadline
25 Aug 2024, 23:59:59
Studies commence
1 Sept 2024
Apply now! 01 October 2024/25
Application deadline
25 Sept 2024, 23:59:59
Studies commence
1 Oct 2024