James Lind Institute is a swiss eduQua certified private institute based in Geneva, Switzerland.
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BPHBachelor of Public Health - Maternal & Child Health
Bachelor, e-learning
Faculty of Health Sciences
B.ScB.Sc in Environmental Economics & Policy
Bachelor, e-learning
Faculty of Transformational Economics
M.ScM.Sc in Environmental Economics & Policy
Master, e-learning
Faculty of Transformational Economics
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Advanced PG Diploma
APGDCR-MWAdvanced PG Diploma in Clinical Research & Medical Writing
Advanced PG Diploma, e-learning
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
APGD-OHSMAdvanced PG Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety Management
Advanced PG Diploma, e-learning
Faculty of Health Sciences
APGDCR-PAdvanced PG Diploma in Clinical Research & Pharmacovigilance
Advanced PG Diploma, e-learning
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
APGDCR-RAAdvanced PG Diploma in Clinical Research & Regulatory Affairs
Advanced PG Diploma, e-learning
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
APGDPMAdvanced PG Diploma in Pharmaceutical Medicine
Advanced PG Diploma, e-learning
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
APGD-PHRAdvanced PG Diploma in Public Health Research
Advanced PG Diploma, e-learning
Faculty of Health Sciences
APGD-HHMAdvanced PG Diploma in Healthcare & Hospital Management
Advanced PG Diploma, e-learning
Faculty of Health Sciences
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ACMLBAdvanced Certificate in Medical Law & Bioethics
Certificate, e-learning
Faculty of Health Sciences
EC-PHLRExecutive Certificate in Public Health Leadership & Research
Certificate, e-learning
Faculty of Health Sciences
Professional Diploma
PDPHMProfessional Diploma in Public Health Management
Professional Diploma, e-learning
Faculty of Health Sciences
PD-MTHMProfessional Diploma in Medical Tourism & Healthcare Marketing
Professional Diploma, e-learning
Faculty of Health Sciences
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Geneva
APGDCR-MWAdvanced PG Diploma in Clinical Research & Medical Writing
Advanced PG Diploma, e-learning
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
APGDCR-PAdvanced PG Diploma in Clinical Research & Pharmacovigilance
Advanced PG Diploma, e-learning
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
APGDCR-RAAdvanced PG Diploma in Clinical Research & Regulatory Affairs
Advanced PG Diploma, e-learning
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
APGDPMAdvanced PG Diploma in Pharmaceutical Medicine
Advanced PG Diploma, e-learning
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
APGDCTMAdvanced PG Diploma in Clinical Trial Management
Advanced PG Diploma, e-learning
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
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Faculty of Health Sciences Geneva
APGD-OHSMAdvanced PG Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety Management
Advanced PG Diploma, e-learning
Faculty of Health Sciences
APGD-PHRAdvanced PG Diploma in Public Health Research
Advanced PG Diploma, e-learning
Faculty of Health Sciences
APGD-HHMAdvanced PG Diploma in Healthcare & Hospital Management
Advanced PG Diploma, e-learning
Faculty of Health Sciences
APGD-GHMPAdvanced PG Diploma in Global Health Management & Policy
Advanced PG Diploma, e-learning
Faculty of Health Sciences
APGD-TMSIAdvanced PG Diploma in Tropical Medicine, Surveillance and Immunization
Advanced PG Diploma, e-learning
Faculty of Health Sciences
APGD-EHMAdvanced PG Diploma in Environmental Health Management
Advanced PG Diploma, e-learning
Faculty of Health Sciences
APGD-GMCHAdvanced PG Diploma in Global Maternal and Child Health
Advanced PG Diploma, e-learning
Faculty of Health Sciences
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Faculty of Transformational Economics Geneva
M.ScM.Sc in Environmental Economics & Policy
Master, e-learning
Faculty of Transformational Economics
M.ScM.Sc in Circular Economy & Sustainability
Master, e-learning
Faculty of Transformational Economics
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